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Whole30 Day 2 Report - The Fog is Clearing

Hey folks - I'm still here.

Yesterday was slightly challenging.  As I mentioned, yesterday started at around 2:30 AM with a headache, and some posters in my comments mentioned that I probably was feeling a bit underfed.  That's very possible.  I was pretty hungry all morning, even after I had a tin of sardines. Lunch couldn't come fast enough.  

My mug, complete with Viking
helmet logo on it.  
So what did I eat?  After starting the morning off with a big mug o' water, which is my normal routine (I usually have at least one of these a day at the office), I ate my sardines at around 9:30 AM or so.  This continues to have the effect of keeping me guest-free in my office, but it also gives me a good shot of protein and fat to make the morning go more smoothly.  

Lunch was right around noon, and I had another slab of leftover short-ribs with some of the previous night's Brussels sprouts on the side.  Those keep pretty well overnight, I must say, and they were more than enough to keep me satisfied for the rest of the day till dinner.

And dinner was some thick-cut pork chops that we also got from the North Market over the weekend.  I thew some parsley, sage, and marjoram on them, but they were still pretty bland.  I'm going to need to figure out a better way to prep those so that they have more flavor.  I also roasted some sweet potato slices with olive oil for a side dish and we had a green salad with balsamic vinegar and oil as well.  

I'm not nearly as hungry this morning as I was yesterday.  I had a LOT to eat at dinner, though - those pork chops were pretty big (I have another one waiting for today's lunch) and being pasture-raised they were dense meat.  And I slept a bit better last night with no headache.  I'm a bit curious to see what caused that headache - I'm assuming it was the sudden 27g of carbohydrates day that I put myself through, still, so we may do a really low-carb day again tomorrow to see what happens with that.  

But thus far, I'm feeling pretty good about things.  I overate a bit last night and felt it, but not so bad that I'm in any danger of lapsing (after only two days, I should be smacked for lapsing at all!).  I do miss my Kerrygold, for sure.  I'm just going to have to do more with good spices and the like to give things more flavor.  I haven't ever tried ghee yet so I may make some of that (or pick it up at the market next door, I've seen it there in the past).  And I'll have to plan to do a couple of the sauce recipes from the Primal Blueprint cookbooks (adjusted to make them Whole30 compliant, natch).  

This weekend may be a bit of a challenge - we're planning on doing a day at the Asheville Viking Festival, which one would hope would be Paleo friendly given the Viking diet but will probably be rife with funnel cakes and the like.  Not worried about lapsing on those things as I never liked them even when I wasn't Paleo, but finding foods that don't contains some added sugars and the like will be tough.  Probably going to have to prep some snacks or a meal the night before.  

So no major insights today, though I am intrigued that I'm not nearly as hungry this morning as I was yesterday after eating a food with more carbs.  That's going to require some monitoring, for sure!  


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