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Whole 30 Day 4 - Ad Hoc Meal Time

Had my first on-the-go meal challenge yesterday on Day 4 of my Whole30 challenge, and it was a success.

The day started the same as usual - sardines in the morning (again, slightly earlier than the previous day - I think I'm going to need to start doing breakfast regularly for a while), with a leftovers lunch of pork chop and sweet potatoes from Tuesday's dinner.  A little Himalayan salt on them, and we had a winner.

And I need to stop typing "Himalayan SEA Salt."  Anyone with an ounce of geography knowledge in their head is gonna crucify me for that one.  At least I'm correcting it when I do it.

So, the first challenge: last night I had a meeting at the normal dinnertime and I didn't have time to get a typical dinner made.  So we had to do the early snack plus later dinner thing - and time was a factor because we had to get the kids to bed as well.

Snack was a handful of macadamia nuts that I'd bought a while back from Fresh Market in Columbus.  Good place to pick up some of the harder-to-find favorites like the aforementioned Hawaiian treats or full-fat Fage Greek Yogurt (not that that's an issue right now).  That snack tided me over and I didn't overdo it.  Ever since I discovered the macadamia nut, they've been an "eat the whole jar now" item for me and I really have to watch it with those things.

So after my meeting, dinner was four eggs fried in coconut oil, an avocado with some green Tabasco sauce on it, and some salad.

Key take-aways from that meal:

  1. Keep good food in your home and you'll eat good food.  
  2. Keep a standby of quickies in the house for those just-in-case things:  avocados, salad/dressing, eggs are all good for that.  Probably things like some jerky and some ground beef would be a good idea, too.  
  3. There's always time to eat right, but that doesn't have to be a lot of time.  
This weekend should be another challenge as my wife and I are headed to a fund-raiser dinner tonight with samples from restaurants all over the place (and I'm going to have to be rude and refuse most of it, probably), and then Saturday we're planning on going to a Viking festival (which sounds like it'd be great, but I'm imagining they'll have lots of "fair"-type food available instead of real Viking fare. I hope I'm wrong!  

So the real weird thing of the day was less about food and more about muscles - for whatever reason, my lower legs were sore yesterday, and unfortunately it wasn't from any workout I did (though I have been trying to take long walks instead of going to lunch the past few days since I've been eating at my desk while working).  The soreness was still sort of there this morning, but doing a balancing/squatting MovNat workout seems to have nipped that in the bud.  Not sure what it was all about but I don't think it's any reason for concern, just sort of weird.

Looking forward to a great weekend - hope you are, too!  I'll try to keep posting over the weekend since I know this fascinates all of you, but if not I will be back Monday with more!


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