Today's Morning Coach podcast was a very good one, with an introduction to the topic of "Struggle." Everyone has struggles in life, but it's important not to judge the struggles as problems and instead to see them as opportunities. We can sit and moan and complain that our lives are filled with too much struggle and change. We might get past those struggles with some work, and then sit back, exhale sharply, and say "whoa, glad that's over." And we might even get a small sense of satisfaction out of having beaten that struggle. Or...we can look at that struggle as what it is: an opportunity. Every struggle in life can be used to learn and grow. Having money problems? Learn better money management, or find new ways to make money. Or both. Having health problems? Research your problem above and beyond what the doctor tells you - you might find different ways to regain your health to even better levels than before you were sick. You may even d
Personal Evolution, Prosperity, Real Health, and My Quest to Make Life Better